Second Skin is a 2008 American documentary film that follows the lives of seven people as they delve in to the world of MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games). The film was directed by Juan Carlos Piñeiro Escoriaza and produced by Victor Piñeiro Escoriaza and Peter Brauer.
Second Skin premiered to positive reviews and sold-out crowds at the South by Southwest film festival in 2008. It become the No. 1 movie on online streaming site, before completing a limited theatrical run. The film was released on DVD August 25th, 2009.
Second Skin examines people whose lives have been transformed by virtual worlds in online games such as World of Warcraft, Everquest, Everquest II and Second Life. The documentary follows a group of online gamers whose lives are intensely woven together inside and outside the virtual worlds, a couple whose lives have changed since meeting online, and an avid player whose life spins out of control due to his addiction to playing MMOs. It also presents disabled players who have been given voice and mobility in the virtual world and explores the controversial world of Chinese gold farming and presents astonishing facts about online gaming.
The film follows three distinct stories involving seven people:
* Heather Cowan, an EverQuest II player that lives in Florida;
* Kevin Keel, an EverQuest II player from Texas that develops an in-game relationship with Heather that moves from an online status to a physical relationship;
* Matt Ellsworth and Chris Mitchell, housemates in Fort Wayne, Indiana who play World of Warcraft and other MMOs for over 40 hours a week;
* Anthony Cronin, a housemate with Matt and Chris whose life changes by getting married;
* Andy Belford, a World of Warcraft player (who moved to Ft. Wayne from California to be closer to Anthony, Matt, and Chris) and his wife Karalee, and the changes in their lives after Karalee becomes pregnant;
* Dan Bustard, a World of Warcraft player whose addiction to the game cost him his relationship, his business, his health and his home. He connects with OLGA (Online Gamers Anonymous) during his attempt to kick the addiction to gaming.
Other players, doctors, and the founder of OLGA appear.
with music by Morricone Youth
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